Wednesday, July 29, 2009

At Boredom....Avada Kedavra!

10 pm …. Power cut ; all i can hear is some frogs croaking and the fan above me squeaking ; TV cable connection malfunctioning ; done with The Week and India today ; I-pod out of charge ; A pair of fresh eyes nowhere near the horizon of sleepiness ; mobile balance miserably low ; UPS good enough for a fan and a light ; have loads of HW to do...but am a stereotypical procrastinating student as shown in movies (those movies with Chinni Jeyanthi as a college student, who hasn’t graduated for two decades !); Nothing to dream of (am more of a diurnal dreamer, relishing reveries in classes) ; A newly formatted laptop, with no amusing game (other than pinball or solitaire….which my first grader cousin considers childish !), no gripping e-books to waste time on ; so ultimately I decide to write a journal of my vacation days after 12th grade.Let me kick off by penning one such day’s ‘note worthy’ happenings as an arsenal to my imposing enemy boredom…

Before that, the sharp definition of a Journal - A daily written record of (usually personal) ‘significant’ experiences….

My journal pages

I woke up at about 10.30, unable to perpetuate my sleep any further than 10 hours. The next significant thing that I did was


Had nice fresh spicy and sexy prawns for lunch…


5.30 in the evening


Dinner time – Roti and paneer


Present - Sorry for those non-lexical errrrrr s…But significant stuff only should be jotted down in a journal…am thinking hard for such events....I swear the day next to this ll turn out to be eventful..

The next day –
My journal pages


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