Wednesday, July 29, 2009

At Boredom....Avada Kedavra!

10 pm …. Power cut ; all i can hear is some frogs croaking and the fan above me squeaking ; TV cable connection malfunctioning ; done with The Week and India today ; I-pod out of charge ; A pair of fresh eyes nowhere near the horizon of sleepiness ; mobile balance miserably low ; UPS good enough for a fan and a light ; have loads of HW to do...but am a stereotypical procrastinating student as shown in movies (those movies with Chinni Jeyanthi as a college student, who hasn’t graduated for two decades !); Nothing to dream of (am more of a diurnal dreamer, relishing reveries in classes) ; A newly formatted laptop, with no amusing game (other than pinball or solitaire….which my first grader cousin considers childish !), no gripping e-books to waste time on ; so ultimately I decide to write a journal of my vacation days after 12th grade.Let me kick off by penning one such day’s ‘note worthy’ happenings as an arsenal to my imposing enemy boredom…

Before that, the sharp definition of a Journal - A daily written record of (usually personal) ‘significant’ experiences….

My journal pages

I woke up at about 10.30, unable to perpetuate my sleep any further than 10 hours. The next significant thing that I did was


Had nice fresh spicy and sexy prawns for lunch…


5.30 in the evening


Dinner time – Roti and paneer


Present - Sorry for those non-lexical errrrrr s…But significant stuff only should be jotted down in a journal…am thinking hard for such events....I swear the day next to this ll turn out to be eventful..

The next day –
My journal pages


Vanity Fair

X - Hiii... Wassup?
Y - Nm u shud oly tel me

Everyone who knows how to use a computer ( which implies IMs and Mozilla) would've come across the above conversation. Stupidity, but noone admits nor cares.Absurdness, it will seem like for someone new to the IM world,and a perfect example of a normal start to a conversation for a seasoned IM user.

The usual pre-signing out msg is cya,tc,gn,sd.
Why is that 'take care' for when everyone knows you are going to enjoy a peaceful sleep and that there are no harmful microbes lying undercover under your bedcovers or a cold blooded assassin waiting to stab you from inside the closet.
Goodnight and sweet dreams... Warmly and hearty wishes but the invconvenient truth is that noone means it.

Wassup ? Well that question cannot have answers as people take to chatting when they are bored or nothing to do or not bothered to work. So, a nothing much will evidently be the answer and you already know that. Though perplexing, nothing much is the phrase over which several hours of animated conversations are curiously built upon.
Answers like ceiling or sky... Doh, please grow up !

People with busy,in a meeting and be right back display titles(whether true or not), you could do without them. Or add " in'x' mins " to the phrase to serve some purpose.
Emoticons is another such topic.Its however true that statements and info that can't be exchanged over the phone or in reality, can be done without any discomfort or hesitation. You can always something controversial and if the reciever is enraged at it, you can add up with ;) just kiddin

The other day, while finding time to talk over the phone to a friend, I was narrating animatedly about some rumours on the round about me in my college.
Instead of making ahem ahem sound by modulating the voice, my friend actually said "ahem ahem" !

And least but still the last, certain people, in the objective of enlivening the conversation, suffix normal words with respective characters like
Hiiiiiiiiiii ; what ???????????????????????? ; oieeeeeeeee ; byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Imagine everyone talking or behaving the way they chat on IMessengers with wassup, lol, rotfl,BUZZ !! and by the time you finish byeeeeeeeeeeee, the intended recipient will be miles away. And you can never have two IM windows on, chatting simultaneously. Greeting one friend who had just come online with "heyy! long time since we chatted :( " while in the other window bitching, " god, the boring idiot online now". When someone cracks out a joke, try rolling on the floor laughing ( rotfl) or give a :D when someone ridicules you or give a :P while snapping at your friend or try saying you look bad followed by ;) to your latest crush....

Thinking about all this.... LOL !

American mappillai Dulhaniya Le Jayenge !

I detest those Indian guys in USA. Seriously.

The Indian population in US partly consists of guys who havent been able to secure a decent job in India and going off to USA. They see off the criticisms by not-so-well-wishers by smartly saying MS in US had always been in the back of their mind and that job+money is not they are after but knowledge.
~ Adeengu ! ~

If we have a look at their past records, the history will be very dismal.
Bad marks in 12th coupled with a never heard before course in a deemed university or a college ranked onehundred and soccham. 60% in college and to join the party is his abysmal under-average performance in numerous on-campus interviews ( if any in their college) and screwing up royally in all off campus interviews. Crash courses in NIIT and GRE or other competitive exam training course - same story. And between all this comes his girlfriend, who bears with him for four whole years and finally dumps him when all other fellows get a job or pursue non-management quota higher studies.

And our hero, short of ladylove and a job,and with a score of failures under his belt, convinces his parents with stories of electronics being the future of the world and that he can make a good living after doing MS in US. And digging deep down the pockets of his parents, he finally is shipped off to US. And while in US, he isn't going to recuperate for his failures so far. Takes more than two years to complete his 1.5 yr course, anxiety and tension augmenting in his aging parents. He gets to enjoy great food, babes and also wanders around the city in weekends.

And on the opposite end of the diagonal, there is this pakka prototype of sincere boy, with 1150+ marks in 12th, second day of Anna university counselling, 85% in college, placed in the first company in campus recruitment, works tirelessly for 5 yrs in 6-7 IT companies and never gives a thought about having a girlfriend as his parents are seeking a good alliance(bride) for him.

Bang ! The MS guy reappears in black and white suit, taking away the most goodlooking elite girls in the city with his monumental salary in US and the typical American maapillai accent. And the sidelined sincere fellow has to wait...

American mappillai Dulhaniya Le Jayenge !
(American guy will take away the bride)

P.S - For an example of american mapillai accent, go watch Alaipayuthey movie.

Why I dont want to become a Cricket umpire ...

Why I don't want to be a cricket umpire...

Umpiring would be a good job option but with skippers hogging the work of umpires lately, that will prove to be laborious too. Nor can I dodge those mighty hurricanish bludgeoning straight down the ground by pinch-hitters.Nor can I watch non-subcontinental spinners bowl the same line in a drab way.Monty - an exception, I would give batsmen out just to watch him celebrate in his zany ways. With many instances of flat benign tracks not offering assistance to any mode of bowling, I cant just be watching the batsmen exploit such conditions and never get a chance of drinking gatorade while someone gets out.

I dont like the idea of being under scrutiny as I won't give Sachin out in the most fictitious of the dreams.
Bowled or caught or both... No - Ball. d
LBW eh? My head will be ever ready to shake ( would love to add a digitus impucidus-middle finger salute)

And also the thought of carrying those sweat drenched hankies, glasses and battered foul-smelling caps of bowlers while they are bowling... Ugh ! Signalling four or six or leg-byes to empty stands when some away team is playing will perhaps top the charts for the most ridiculous sight in sport. With excellent tigerish fielders filled sides like Australia, I always have to be on the run to avoid their cannon-like impeccable throws and simultaneously monitor the stumps closely to check on possible run-outs. And the critics easily write us off as incapable when we refer to the 3rd umpire ass often... To hell with them.

After ditching the traditional white apparel for ODIs in the lines of commercialization of the game following the advent of Kerry Packer series, the ICC officials never spared a thought about the umpire's boring and sick white dress. No wonder, cricket players get all the limelight and celebrity girls ( though its for certain that they ll be dumped after a tour) . Another strong reason is that I am not good at pacifying verbal duels and even worse, I am an expert at aggravating it. So the next time you see me umpiring for an Ind-Aus match, you can well expect WWE style clashes on field between Symonds or Hayden and Bhajji. And how I wish I could dance with Sreeshanth while he performs break dance steps...

Thousands of thoughts will revolve in my head while a match is going on...
~~Wow that hot chick sitting within my eyesight in the pavilion stand looks great ~~Damn that third umpire guy, sitting relaxed in his a/c room absolutely idle and just having to press a button to my rare queries ~~ How I wish I could have a bluetooth device on for Hawkeye updates ~~ Jeez, this bowler's hankie smells worse than my socks, will never signal no-ball to him as it might prolong the time I have to carry this piece of shit ~~ You hard hitting batsman, don't ever think of hitting in my direction or I'll dismiss you for LBW on a bouncer ball ~~ Now,where is the restroom? ~~ Next tea break, I should somehow usharpannify or flirt with that Pepsi cart girl ~~ OMG, Symonds at mid-on position, even harder now to dodge his accurate throws ~~

But circumnavigating the globe ( OC la ) will be great fun and things can't get any better in Carribean beaches %-). And the bitter side of touring is Srilanka's sweltering heat and pathetic looking girls. ( Now, don't accuse me to be a racist, just watch the crowds in SL matches!)
The other secret desires - to trip a bowler during his run-up and watch him tumble with that wicked smile; during India-is-gonna-lose-for sure situation, declare the match abandoned due to poor light or do a Darrel Hair act.
Bribery am totally against it ... wait let me complete ... when am not involved in it!

FORBES 'Safe' 17

Given below is a list of companies/corporates that are a part of the famed forbes 2000 along with their respective taglines. Now,forget the company name and read just the taglines.Consider those taglines to be that of some misc company producing err... you know... that safety thing!
Dont mind few shades of crudeness...
Arranged in increasing order of suitability/aptness.


17.Everything is Possible - HP

16.Your partner for life - Max new york

15.A Passion to Perform - Deutsche Bank

14.The Stuff of life - kmart

13.Experience. Results. - CSC

12.Make Every Day Exciting - FORD MOTOR

11.All you Desire. – TOYOTA INNOVA

10.The Complete Man - Raymonds

9.Bond with the Best - Reid and Taylor

8.Because Health Matters - SANOFI AVENTIS

7.Be Fearless. SYMANTEC

6.Accenture - High Performance. Delivered

5.The citi never sleeps - CITI BANK

4.Do More with Less - Windows XP ~~~~ Your Potential Our Passion - Micro'soft'

3.Connecting people - NOKIA

2.You can do it. We can Help - Home depot

1.The world puts its stock in us - NYSE New York Stock Exchange


GFs ;)

Why would it be exciting if girlfriends were like video games...
Gaming consoles and PCs cannot yell / retort.
Absolute control, the guy has on whether to dump the game or continue with it (or go for a different one;) ).
Games wait till you feel like playing.
You can just turn off the gaming console when you are pissed with it. Or change the difficulty level settings when things aren't going your way.
Any game is not going to hate you for playing a different one - no fears of commitment, though addiction is likely.
No strings(wires) attached, literally with wireless controllers.
When things aren't going fine, you can always start all over again or return to some saved checkpoint!
You are with the game everyday... At your own place, in your own room, right under your mom’s nose.
Games get better and better with newer versions every year ( like angelina 08, angelina 09!)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Proverbs - Bang Bang Bang !!

One-liner comments for common proverbs....

There is no substitute for hardwork
Now Mr.Hardwork is a Fullback or striker?

Rolling Stone gathers no m'a'ss
But Mike Jagger did

Pennywise and pound foolish
yup, girlfriends and boyfriends respectively

Better late than never
And why doesnt my professor understand this?

A bird in hand is better than two in the bush
Esp when youve got a meaty turkey to the two little pigeons in the bush

A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle
It does..Uniqueness

A coward dies a thousand times before his death. The valiant tastes of death but once
Isnt dies a verb form of Death?

A good beginning makes a good ending
Not necessarily

United we stand, divided we fall
And the Indian team is united only while falling

A jack of all trades is a master of none.
So India better stop their futile attempts on their scouting for an allrounder

A penny saved is a penny earned
But the converse is not true

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Is someone fond of Veerappan or ?

Actions speak better than words
Sreeshanth, you listening?

All's fair in love and war.
Emami effect?

All that glisters is not gold.
Coz even diamonds glitter !

Barking dogs seldom bite.
My college dogs dont even bark !

Blood is thicker than water.
Duh, me aint that bad in chemistry !

Empty vessel makes more noise
My dear Sidhu

Cleanliness is next to godliness
Who located it?
And am devoid of both !

Don't fall before you're pushed.
And what else will Barca FC be famous for?

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
And say tata to your girlfriend

What goes up must come down
But the problem is that MIG 21s are coming down a bit too soon after take off

Slow and steady wins the race.
But not Twenty20

Opportunity knocks your door only once
So have as many doors as possible

Laughter is the best medicine
Pharmacies should be filled with comics, and koundamani wouldve been the best doc in the world

Love is blind
That’s why vijaykanth has done love stories

Don't cry over spilt milk.
After all its neighbour's
Or hit the one responsible for it

Courtesy costs nothing.
Free stuff lacks quality :D

Clothes dont maketh a man
Ya, am old enough to know the actual process that goes into the making of a man !!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Our nation's cheap politicians are always on the look out for some controversy to talk about and hence garner a few brownie points from the people. As an aftermath of 377 act, possible parties that can sprout out of our country...

1. D.M.Gay
2. B.Gay.P!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Cant stop this thing we started !

...Still feels like our first ever night together
Feels like the first touch, its gettin better baby
No one can better this...
Still playin on, youre still the one
First time we met, same feelin I get
Only feels much stronger, wanna love ya longer
You still turn the fire on...
So if youre feelin lonely dont
Youre the only one I ever want
I only wanna make it good
So if I love you a little more than I should,

Please forgive me, I know not what I do...
...i cant stop lovin you

Please believe me every word I say is true...
Still feels like our best times are together...
Feels like the first touch, still gettin closer baby
Cant get close enough...
Still holdin on, ur still number one
Thats why Im sayin...
...never leave me coz I dont know what else I would do...
( BRYAN ADAMS - Please forgive me song , dedicated to my love ! )

With todays newspaper announcing the bad news that our exams are scheduled to start in 45 days from now, all those laidback procrastinators shrieked and came back to their senses, their brains back home after a long vacation and also some excited eyes of nerdos.

And me, lying on a delicate spongy bed, thinking of my love... I feel its high time that I'll have to announce to the world about my love

This phrase may be cliched by millions of other compatriots in love around the world but nevertheless am glad to say that it was Love at first sight for me. There have been many rivals to her who have been occasionally popping up to impress me but I'll never betray her faith and trust in me even in the slightest way. Not the most powerful enticing deviating factor can change what she means to me.
Initially, I was never bothered about her existence till a close friend of mine introduced me to her... That wonderful summer when I fell in love, is so timelessly engraved or better said, immortalized in my heart. She s the Philosopher's stone for me, I found out the answers for alchemy in her ( its just a week since i missed out closely at anna univ harrypotter quiz), the golden snitch of quidditch ( dun mind my awful creativity)

The sweet memories of the days that we spent together, those evenings where I was hooked to her with unadulterated blissful love are immortalized in my mind,heart and soul.
And the days when I used to await impatiently to the end of the day's classes, so that I could spend hours with her justifies the fact that Ive been obsessed with her ever since the day I set my eyes upon her for the first time. My parents never liked this affair of mine, though it is the purest form of love you wouldve ever heard of.

And this timeless trenchant tryst that has travelled through tough times is getting better and better. I look upto her at all times, no matter if I am joyous over acheiving something, or when am sad and sulky or when am floating in boredom.Especially when am broke with some failure, she cheers me up with her usual its in the game statement. Not that my relationship hasnt drawn critics, Ive had a fair measure of complaints and disdain from my friends. Lots of my friends say am getting crazy over her and am not spending quality time with them and at times am alienated from them, but I really cant help it.There have been numerous connoiessurs of her, who have vindicated my love. Its been going on for nearly six long years and am sure it will perpetuate till my end and I'll stay impervious to my critics.

Season after season, my love has grown and reached scaling heights setting a benchmark that am afraid noone or nothing else can ever surpass or even come closer to doing that..And am not complaining either :D

The myriad nights when we were alone in my room, with the door locked, and everyone else sleeping are too memorable to be forgotten. And also the instances when I was playing you in the bed are frozen in my mind...I can understand her better than anyone else I know of and the chemistry we share is unbelievably fabulous.

Am convinced I will never find a substitute for you as youve always been there for me. Youve disappointed me at times but that will never impede my eternal love for you...
As you will always be THE SPECIAL ONE to me :-)

Now for people who are grinning for having been able to guess her correctly...Smartwork !
And for those who havent been able to, she s


Season after season plus its in the game thing were big giveaways ! ANd also the unusual usage of the word playing...Read it over again if you aint got anything better to do